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Written by Kris Black on June 20, 2024

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The leak of Google’s API Content Warehouse has stirred significant interest and concern within the tech community. This documentation provides a deep dive into the inner workings of Google’s search engine, potentially exposing the methodologies and algorithms that have been closely guarded secrets for years.

What is the Google API Content Warehouse?

When looking through the massive trove of API documentation, the first reasonable set of questions might be: “What is this? What is it used for? Why does it exist in the first place?” According to my ex-Googler sources, documentation like this exists on almost every Google team, explaining various API attributes and modules to help familiarize those working on a project with the data elements available.

The leak appears to come from GitHub, and the most credible explanation for its exposure matches what my anonymous source told me on our call: these documents were inadvertently and briefly made public (many links in the documentation point to private GitHub repositories and internal pages on Google’s corporate site that require specific, Google-credentialed logins). During this probably-accidental, public period between March and May of 2024, the API documentation was spread to Hexdocs (which indexes public GitHub repos) and found/circulated by other sources.

The Implications of the Leak

This leak matches others in public GitHub repositories and on Google’s Cloud API documentation, using the same notation style, formatting, and even process/module/feature names and references. If that all sounds like a technical mouthful, think of this as instructions for members of Google’s search engine team. It’s like an inventory of books in a library, a card catalogue of sorts, telling those employees who need to know what’s available and how they can get it.

However, whereas libraries are public, Google search is one of the most secretive, closely-guarded black boxes in the world. In the last quarter century, no leak of this magnitude or detail has ever been reported from Google’s search division.

How Certain Can We Be About the Usage of These APIs?

It’s open to interpretation. Google could have retired some of these, used others exclusively for testing or internal projects, or may even have made API features available that were never employed. However, there are references in the documentation to deprecated features and specific notes on others indicating they should no longer be used. That strongly suggests those not marked with such details were still in active use as of the March 2024 leak.

Interesting Discoveries from the Data Warehouse Leak

Here are five of the most interesting, early discoveries in my perusal:

1. Navboost and Click Data

Modules in the documentation reference features like “goodClicks,” “badClicks,” “lastLongestClicks,” impressions, squashed, unsquashed, and unicorn clicks. These are tied to Navboost and Glue, terms familiar to those who reviewed Google’s DOJ testimony. According to DOJ attorney Kenneth Dintzer’s cross-examination of Pandu Nayak, VP of Search:

Q. So remind me, is navboost all the way back to 2005?

A. It’s somewhere in that range. It might even be before that.

2. Chrome Browser Clickstreams

Google calculates several types of metrics that can be called using Chrome views related to both individual pages and entire domains. For example, the “topUrl” call identifies the most visited URLs on a site based on Chrome user data.

3. Whitelists in Specific Sectors

References to “Good Quality Travel Sites” and flags like “isCovidLocalAuthority” and “isElectionAuthority” suggest Google employs whitelists for sectors like travel, COVID-19 information, and politics to ensure the quality of search results for sensitive queries.

4. Quality Rater Feedback

Google’s quality rating platform, EWOK, appears to contribute data to the search system, not just as a training set but potentially in live ranking calculations. This underscores the importance of quality rater evaluations in Google’s search algorithms.

5. Click Data and Link Weighting

Google uses click data to determine the quality tier of links, affecting how links contribute to PageRank. High-click links are more trusted and influential, while low-click links are ignored.

Big Picture Takeaways for Marketers

For marketers, the leak provides valuable insights:

  • Brand recognition is crucial for SEO success.
  • E-E-A-T (Experience, Expertise, Authoritativeness, and Trustworthiness) might not be as impactful as previously thought.
  • User intent and navigation patterns significantly influence rankings.
  • Classic SEO tactics are less effective for small and medium-sized businesses compared to brand-building and user engagement strategies.


This leak offers a rare glimpse into Google’s search engine mechanics, but it also raises many questions. The true impact of these revelations will unfold over time as experts analyze the data. For now, it underscores the importance of building strong, recognizable brands and focusing on user experience and intent in SEO strategies.

Thank you to Mike King for his invaluable help on this document leak story, to Amanda Natividad for editing help, and to the anonymous source who shared this leak with me. If you have findings that support or contradict statements I’ve made here, please feel free to share them in the comments below.