Starting a Project with Us

Infrastructure Cloud Setup

  • Domain Management

    The process of registering, configuring, and maintaining a domain name for a website, including managing DNS settings, renewing domain registration, and transferring ownership.

  • Hosting Management

    Configuring, maintaining, and managing a server or hosting account for a website, including installing and updating software, managing security, and optimizing performance.

  • VM or App Services

    Configuring, deploying, and managing virtual machines or applications on a cloud-based platform, including managing resources, scaling, and ensuring availability and security.

  • CI/CD

    Continuous Integration/Continuous Deployment automates software development and delivery, allowing developers to quickly and efficiently test, integrate, and deploy code changes.

  • Database Management and Development

    Creating, configuring, and maintaining databases, including designing database schemas, optimizing performance, and ensuring data security and integrity.

  • Documentation

    Creating and maintaining documents that describe the purpose, requirements, design, implementation, and testing of a software project to ensure clear communication among stakeholders and support future development and maintenance.

Project Management

  • Sprint-Based Workflow

    An Agile project management methodology that involves breaking down project development into small, iterative sprints to improve collaboration, flexibility, and delivery speed.

  • User Stories

    Creating simple, concise descriptions of a feature or requirement from a user's perspective to guide development and ensure the final product meets user needs.

  • Sprint Planning

    A meeting where the development team and product owner collaborate to identify and prioritize the work for the upcoming sprint and establish a plan for achieving the sprint goal.

  • Sprint-Based Billing

    Charging clients for development work completed during each two-week sprint cycle, allowing for flexibility and transparency in billing based on actual progress made.

  • Gantt Charts

    Visual tools that display project schedules, timelines, and progress, allowing teams to plan, track, and manage project activities and resources.

  • Service Level Agreements

    Agreements between a service provider and a client that outline the level of service to be provided, including performance metrics, availability, and support, to ensure clear expectations and responsibilities.

  • Estimations and Re-Estimations

    Predicting the time, effort, and cost required to complete a software project, and updating these estimates based on changes in project scope, requirements, or unforeseen challenges.

Software Engineering

  • Sprint-Based Software Development

    An Agile methodology that emphasizes short, iterative development cycles and collaboration between development teams, stakeholders, and end-users to deliver high-quality software quickly and efficiently.

  • Source Control

    Managing changes to code and other digital assets, allowing developers to track changes, collaborate effectively, and maintain version history to ensure project stability and quality.

  • Quality Assurance

    Ensuring that software products meet established quality standards by implementing processes and techniques for testing, debugging, code review, and other quality assurance measures.

  • Communication

    Keeping clients updated about the progress of the project through internal messaging, file indexing, and biweekly notes to provide updates on all open projects.

  • Post-Deployment Support

    Offering post-deployment services agreements that include troubleshooting, maintenance, updates, and more.

  • Customization

    Providing custom solutions tailored to the specific needs of our clients.

  • Security

    Ensuring the latest security practices and policies on all client applications and protecting client data.

  • Training

    Providing training and documentation to help clients understand how to use the software or application.

  • Client Testimonials/Case Studies

    Offering testimonials from previous clients or case studies of past projects to showcase our expertise and success.