Core Features

At Araptus, we pride ourselves on delivering cutting-edge solutions with a suite of essential features designed to enhance your digital presence. Discover how our core capabilities can elevate your project.

Responsive Design

Our websites and applications adapt seamlessly to any device, providing an optimal viewing experience from desktop to mobile. This ensures your site is accessible and effective, no matter where it’s viewed.

Testing & Quality Assurance

We employ rigorous testing protocols to ensure your application is free from bugs and meets the highest standards of quality. Our QA process includes manual testing, automated scripts, and user experience reviews to guarantee a polished final product.

Search Engine Optimization (SEO)

Maximize your visibility with our SEO strategies that are designed to improve your rankings and drive traffic. From keyword optimization to content creation, we cover all aspects to ensure your site stands out in search engine results.

Rank Testing

Stay on top of your competitive landscape with our rank testing services. We continuously monitor your site’s performance in search results, providing insights and strategies to maintain and improve your rankings.

Performance Metrics

To provide transparency and validate our analysis efforts, we utilize industry-standard tools such as GTmetrix and PageSpeed Insights to measure your website’s performance. These tools help us track and report on various metrics, including load times, responsiveness, and overall efficiency.


GTmetrix provides a detailed analysis of your website's performance, including page speed, YSlow scores, and waterfall breakdowns. This helps us identify specific areas where improvements can be made.

Lighthouse Score Optimization

Our expertise in Lighthouse score optimization ensures your site is fast, accessible, and compliant with the latest web standards. We focus on improving your scores across all metrics, leading to better user experiences and enhanced SEO.